This information was sent by email but I
also wanted to post it on the blog for some readers who are not taking the
course. There are required readings for this course. You
will find them in the supplemental materials folder in the course DROPBOX.
They will be labeled: Required Readings. You should begin with Subitizing and The
Learning Brain. Subitizing explains our reasons for approaching
numeracy as a core deficit. Subitizing is the automatic recognition of
quantity and I would add, quantity relationships. It is a crucial
component of math instruction/education. The chapter from Blakemore and Frith explains
some of the research on how the brain processes mathematics that you will find
throughout the manual.
The UDL Principles chart
is something that should be downloaded along with Adler Fracts and
the Pattern Block Activity and placed in your manual. I
have provided a section of the manual in the rear where you find all the power
point presentation handouts. It is also a place for you to put articles
and references that you find relevant. Note the language used to describe the
interactions between the student and content. These are phrases we use
when we talk the talk of education. In order for us to be universally
understood when we describe the methodology and impact of multisensory, we need
to have a shared vocabulary.
The articles from NCTM and The
Learning Brain may be printed and placed in your binder too if you
wish. I like having them in color and full size so that I can make notes
or underline passages. Because they are in pdf format, you may also print
them as 2 pages per sheet and double sided if you want. That will save
paper and bulk in the manual.
Once you understand numeracy, begin looking
at Ten is the Magic Number and the Joyce
Steeves articles. You should also begin looking through the first
sections of the binder and reading the material there. I have made an
effort to condense research and rationale for you so that you do not need to do
a lot of research on the internet.
Be prepared to reflect on Subitizing,
The Learning Brain, and Ten is the Magic Number for the first video
conference sessions. These are not the only required readings but they
are the early ones. There are others which you will find in Dropbox. Most
teachers also enjoy the articles Tying It All Together by
Jennifer Suh.
I would recommend that you also look at Fluency Without Fear by Jo Boaler. It is readily available on the internet. There is a particularly poignant paragraph about the abuse way many programs teach fluency. We should pay attention.
You should also become familiar with the
Website: Achieve the Core: Math Focus By Grade and the
content focus in math for each grade. This is a very valuable
resource which is fairly new.
Thank you very much for clarifying which readings are needed for the first conference! Could you also let us know how far along we should be in the videos by then?
Kelly Z
I LOVE Jo Boaler! Her work on math mindsets has really shifted my approach to math.